Adi Shakti
Whatever is created in this universe, and in many universes, is the work of the Adi Shakti.... The Adi Shakti is the one who embodies the desire of God Almighty.... But Adi Shakti, being the Mother, She had Her own way of expression, that She thought She must create the mirrors for God Almighty to see His face, to see His image, to see His character and that is how this long range of evolution took place. This evolution had to work out this way because they had to know from where they came. We must know that we come from nature.... The seeking also is given to you by Adi Shakti.... If you leave it to this all-pervading power of Divine Love to this power of Adi Shakti, Paramchaitanya, nothing is difficult, nothing is so bad that you cannot manage.... This power of the Adi Shakti, which we call Paramchaitanya, is the power that loves you. It has complete control of nature. It understands. It thinks. It knows everything. Everything about you, it knows. It works in every angle, in every walk of your life.... And what is Adi Shakti? It is the will of God. (1996-06-09 and 1994-06-26)
I have never talked about it. This is the first time I will tell you that Adi Shakti is the Primordial Mother, is the power, the power of God, that wanted to create this world. And She Herself managed to create this great world.… So today I am going to tell you about Adi Shakti which is a very, very ancient subject. Adi Shakti is the power of God Himself and She created this world to bring His kingdom on this Earth. You can imagine there was nothing but darkness and out of this darkness She had to create all these beautiful, picturous trees and all kinds of vegetation. That She did create. But what is the use having all these things which do not speak, do not understand? There is no manifestation with them.… Why did Adi Shakti create this world? Why did all this happen, why don’t we think why so much of love, so much of prosperity has been given to us? We never realize where are we and how much we have got. It is not the money, but the love. And when you will understand, you will really love each other. And there is no hatred, there is no revenge, nothing, but just love and love and love. This is what is the message of today. We all have to be loving each other.… Love is the message of Adi Shakti. Now you think about it. One Adi Shakti created the whole world. How She must have done it. What She must have planned. How She must have organized. It is not an easy thing. [It was] only because She loved. Love is the expression that you are all there. That is why to be one with Her, one should learn to love. Of course, in that, you have to know that you should forgive. If you do not know how to forgive and find mistakes of other people, you won’t help. What is your now job is to see that you are loving, no hatred for anyone. You do not think of hating anyone and hitting somebody. This has to work out. I am sure it will work out in all the European countries and Indian subcontinent. (2007/06/24)
I think this is the most important puja because it is the power of Adi Shakti that has given you Self Realisation, that has given you the Truth, that has given you the power of compassion and love. That’s the power that separated from Sadashiva and this power wanted Herself to create this complete universe. Universes after universes, She’s creating and loving. With Her love, She did this great creation, creation of this world also. This is a specially selected planet, which was very beautifully brought in the center between the sun and the moon for the creation of, ultimately, the human beings. This is Her great work with such love and affection and with a very great hope that Her children will know the truth and will get the ultimate knowledge about themselves and about everything else. As you have read in the Bible about how Adi Shakti came in the form of a snake and told human beings that you have to know the knowledge, Adam and Eve, and to Eve specially, and they accepted to eat the fruit of knowledge because they would have remained just like animals, without knowing anything subtleties of life — little higher animals maybe — that once they ate the fruit they started feeling that there is something wrong the way they are without any clothes, so they brought some leaves of the tree and covered themselves. So the first knowledge came was of chastity because Shri Ganesha was established and His influence brought forth this consciousness that we have to cover our bodies. We are no more animals. Only the animals — of course, they’re not standing, so it is all right — are not aware of it. With the knowledge of chastity, gradually human beings started growing into beautiful nations, but there are so many things which were still to be known, to be aware of it. You may be aware of many things, but unless and until you get your spiritual awakening, unless and until you get your self-knowledge, all other knowledge is absolutely nothing. With this self-knowledge only, you become powerful. The real power — the real power is of love and compassion.
Today when you see the whole world is busy fighting and they are trying to protect people from wars and creating great, huge, protecting instruments. The whole world seems to be in a mad race of killing each other, of destroying each other, of competition, ambition, leading to fighting and then to greater wars. They’re fighting for a piece of land. So ignorant they are. Can you carry even a pinch of this land with you when you die?… So the greatest work of the Adi Shakti is to put the Kundalini in your sacrum bone. This Kundalini is not the Adi Shakti. The Adi Shakti is a much greater thing, a much bigger thing, much wider thing, much deeper, much stronger, much more powerful. Kundalini is the reflection of Adi Shakti power and when She rises you know what happens to you and how you get your Realization. But you have to be very watchful. Are you really a compassionate person? If you are compassionate, the first thing that will happen to any compassionate person, I think, will be to help others, to emancipate others. They cannot be satisfied with their own achievements and with their own state of Self-Realisation. (2001/06/03)
In Hinduism, Shakti (from Sanskrit shak, "to be able"), also spelled as Sakthi or Shakthi, meaning "power" or "empowerment," is the primordial cosmic energy and represents the dynamic forces that are thought to move through the entire universe. Shakti is the concept, or personification, of divine feminine creative power, sometimes referred to as 'The Great Divine Mother' in Hinduism. As the mother, she is known as Adi Parashakti or Adishakti. In her avatar as Akshara Mandhapati, her power is her uncontrollable energy. On the earthly plane, Shakti most actively manifests through female embodiment and creativity/fertility, though it is also present in males in its potential, unmanifest form.
Hindus believe that Shakti is both responsible for the creation and the agent of all change. Shakti is cosmic existence as well as liberation, its most significant form being the Kundalini Shakti, a mysterious psychospiritual force.
Shakti embodies the active feminine energy of Shiva and is identified as Tripura Sundari or Parvati.
Historical Texts
[Indra said] "You are the mother of all creatures, as that God of gods, Hari, is their father. And this universe, consisting of moving and nonmoving entities, is presently permeated by you, as well as Vishnu." (from Lakshmi Stuti in the Vishnu Purana)
Inherent in the Principle of Existence, whether manifested or unmanifested, I am at all times the inciter, the potential in all things. I manifest Myself as the Creation, I occupy myself with activity when Creation begins functioning, and I ultimately dissolve Myself at the time of destruction. I alone send the Creation forth and again destroy it. I absolve the sins of the good. As Mother Earth to all beings, I pardon them all their sins. I am the Giver of Everything. I am the thinking process itself and I am contained in Everything. (from Lakshmi Tantra)
All the gods waited upon the Goddess (and asked): ‘Great Goddess, who are You ?’ She replied: I am essentially Brahman. From Me (has proceeded) the world comprising Prakriti and Purusha, the void and the Plenum. I am (all forms of) bliss and non-bliss. Knowledge and ignorance are Myself. Brahman and non-Brahman are to be known – says the scripture of the Atharvans. I am the five elements as also what is different from them. I am the entire world. I am the Veda as well as what is different from it. I am the unborn; I am the born. Below and above and around am I. I move with Rudras and Vasus, with Adityas and Visvedevas. Mitra and Varuna, Indra and Agni, I support, and the two Asvins. I uphold Soma, Tvastir, Pusan and Bhaga, The wide-stepping Vishnu, Brahma, Prajapati. To the zealous sacrificer offering oblation And pressing the Soma-juice do I grant wealth; I am the state, the Bringer of Wealth; Above it all, place I its protector. Whoso knows my essence in the water of the inner sea, Attains he the Goddess’s abode. (from Devi Upanishad)
Mother, our tender Apirami – She brings forth the whole world; the color of a pomegranate flower – She protects the whole world all at once; in Her lovely hands are the net, goad, cane bow, and She has three eyes: no evil will happen to those who worship Her. (from the Apirami Antati, a Tamil hymn)