
Durga’s qualities are that She is protective of Her children. She is very gentle, very soft with Her children and She is extremely horrifying to the satanic people, to the negative people.... Either She is extremely gentle or She is extremely horrifying. So because She has a double function, it is one to look after Her children and another to protect Her children from the devils. She has to be very quick about it, to fight them and to, in every way, frighten them and to be alert about it.... You have seen how Durga used to protect all the seekers, the sadhakas, and how She killed the people who have been troubling, torturing, killing the seekers of truth. Her whole advent was to protect them from all these evil forces. In those days, that was the most important work. So that is how the sadhakas came up to these modern times and now they are seekers of truth or they have found the truth.... You are worshipping Durga and all these Goddesses to thank them because if they had not saved you at that time, you would have been so frightened. You would have become bad people and you would not have been here. That is why we are thankful to them for saving us and giving us this protection at that when we were very helpless. (Shri Krishna Puja 1990 and Navaratri Pujas 1995 and 1991)
Durga (Sanskrit: दुर्गा Durgā "Invincible") is the principal form of the Mother Goddess in Hinduism. She is known by a variety of names - including Amba, Ambika, Jagadamba, Parvathi, Shakti, Adishakti, Parashakti and Devi. Durga is regarded by Hindus as the root cause of creation, sustenance and annihilation. She is pure energy (referred to as "Shakti" in Sanskrit and Hindu religious context). Being innately formless (known as Adi Parashakti), she manifests herself within the gods and demi-gods so that she may fulfill the tasks of the universe via them. At times of distress, such as when Mahishasura terrorized the universe, she manifests herself in divine form to protect the world. Hence, Durga is also known as Mahishasura Mardini. (more)