As Sahaja Yoga is established as dharma, we have to know about Shri Vishnu who is the basis of dharma. Later on, He came on this Earth as Shri Ram, then as Shri Krishna and ultimately as Kalki. It is a beautiful evolution of Shri Vishnu.... There were ten avatars, ten incarnations of Shri Vishnu. Now Vishnu is the one who grows to be the Virat, to be the macrocosm.... Dharma is within and that is why this Vishnu principle is to be awakened within yourself. And this principle then expands in many ways. Because Vishnu is the one who cures, we call Him a Dhanvantari. That means a doctor. He is the one who cures because He is our preserver. He is the preserver of human beings.... Also, He is Yama. Yama means the one who is responsible for our death.... Vishnu does not like smoking. Tobacco He does not like. He does not like alcohol. He does not like these drugs. He hates drugs. He does not like many medicines that human beings are producing.... The work of Vishnu is to give you Realization, the emancipation of human beings, the evolution of human beings. He is the one who incarnated ten times. (Shri Vishnu Puja 1994 and Shivaratri Puja 2002 and 17 August 1990)
Vishnu is one of the most significant deities in Hinduism. He is also known as Narayana and Hari. He is conceived as "the Preserver or the Protector".
In Hindu sacred texts, Vishnu is usually described as having the dark complexion of water-filled clouds and having four arms. He is depicted as a pale blue being, as are his incarnations Rama and Krishna. He holds a padma (lotus flower) in his lower left hand, the Kaumodaki gada (mace) in his lower right hand, the Panchajanya shankha (conch) in his upper left hand and the discus weapon considered to be the most powerful weapon according to Hindu Religion Sudarshana Chakra in his upper right hand.