Adi Shankarcharya
(work in progress)
The Kundalini awakening is very clearly described by Adi Shankaracharya. He has said it one of his couplets, “Na yogya, na sankhya.” By all these tricks and by reading about Kundalini, the Kundalini does not rise. Only through the Mother’s grace, it will rise. (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi 1980.05.01)
Adi Shankaracharya was asked, “Which is the greatest quality?” He said, “Devi bhakti, Mother’s bhakti.” She is Devi. Your Mother is the Devi. Understanding that you should do Her bhakti, in that bhakti, there should not be any falsehood. The first quality, the highest quality, if it is seen in a human being from his heart, all his bad qualities will be destroyed. He will get light and attain moksha. That is why Shankaracharya has always praised the Devi.... He said, “By only pleasing the Devi one can get everything, then why do these things? Why do debates? Why do discourses and break one’s head? Just praise the Devi and you will get whatever one wants.” His intelligence very few people have. When that intelligence comes into us, then you will get the authority. (SMND 1982.02.01)
Adi Shankaracharya established the Hindu dharma.... The difference between what he said and I say is that he said that in crores there are just one or two. I say in crores there are lakhs. This is not of a question of being hopeful, but a question of time. The time will come. The time of Kalyuga is a time of a very terrific battle. It is a time of total darkness. You don’t know this as you are seeing Me.... As Adi Shankaracharya has said, low-level people should keep their minds disciplined and somehow live properly and protect themselves from becoming thieves and so on. They should live like good citizens. But the ones who have their attention on the Supreme will not be satisfied with such things. If you have not attained the Supreme, you should not have any belief in Me. (SMND 1972.06.01 translated from Hindi) Markandeya took his birth later on as Buddha. Then he took his birth as Adi Shankaracharya. It is the same personality. But he was actually the son of Rama to begin with. He was Luv. 1988.06.09
This Kundalini has to rise and has to give you Self Realization. This is what Adi Shankaracharya has said. (SMND 1980.01.28)
But now today, the condition is terrific because the blossom time has come I’d say. The time has come that evolution has to be en masse, has to be en masse. Actually, this en masse evolution has started much earlier as I said, from the sixth century when Adi Shankaracharya started writing about it. He was the one who proclaimed it, who said that this is the force that what we have got, we have to work it out. Now people talk of Adi Shankaracharya and not a word about Kundalini. What do you say to such a knowledge? You see this is the basis: the basis of Shankaracharya is Kundalini, and the bhav is, means the emotion that substantiates it, is the complete dedication to the guru. (The Three Paths Of Evolution, Caxton Hall, London (United Kingdom), May 30th, 1979)
When the Kundalini arises, you can see with your naked eyes the pulsation in the triangular bone, which is called as sacrum, meaning the sacred bone... The Kundalini rises spontaneously and it passes through all these six centers, the seventh center is down below and all these six centers it passes and pierces through the fontanelle bone area and connects you to the All-pervading Divine Power. The Kundalini awakening is very clearly described by Adi Shankaracharya. He has said it one of his couplets, “Na yogya, na sankhya.” By all these tricks and by reading about Kundalini, the Kundalini doesn’t rise. Only through the Mother’s grace, it will rise.
(Public Program, Opening The Heart, Zurich (Switzerland), May 1st, 1980)
Read Vaishista, or Adi Shankaracharya, because it is a historical thing. They have said the same thing that you get to God you cannot do anything. But there is a slight difference between them and me that they had said that are very few who have the authority to get to God. Some should remain in bhakti and others should do some yogas so that they can keep their discipline. But they also said that a disciplined mind or a mind that is running after indulgences, both minds are useless for the ascent. One has to have a mind like a small child which is without sin, and is innocent. Such a one has the right to attain God. This is what they have clearly said. But who reads them? The question is that we read a lot and we read about those who know nothing about Dharma. And even if they know it is just a little bit. The ones who think they are very great Hindus they must first read Adi Shankaracharya. Adi Shankaracharya had established the Hindu Dharma. Then why not read Adi Shankaracharya?
(Guru Purnima, Sahaja Yoga A New Discovery (Translation From Hindi), Mumbai (India), June 1st, 1972)
So you should become sadguni. In sadgunas, the highest quality is, Shankaracharya, Adi Shankaracharya was asked, “Which is the greatest quality?” He said “Devi bhakti, Mother’s bhakti.” She is Devi your Mother is the Devi. Understanding that you should do Her bhakti. In that bhakti, there should not be any falsehood. The first quality, the highest quality, if it is seen in a human being from his heart, all his bad qualities will be destroyed, he will get light and attain moksha (liberation). That is why Shankaracharya has always praised the Devi. In the beginning, He has described a lot, written lots of books like Vivekachudamani etc. Lastly, He said that “By only pleasing the Devi one can get everything, then why do these things? Why do debates? Why do discourses and break one’s head? Just praise the Devi and you will get whatever one wants.” His intelligence very few people have. When that intelligence comes into us, then you will get the authority. The same way without doing anything also I am prasannachitta now and any number of mistakes you make I will forgive them all, without doing that it will not be possible because I have come with a very big heart and will forgive all your mistakes, but deceiving Me you should not do, and all the time crying and repeatedly saying that “I have committed mistakes,” will also not do, then it becomes problem for the Devi.
(Shri Durga Puja, Rahuri (India), February 1st, 1982)
This Kundalini has to rise and has to give you Self Realization. This is what Adi Shankaracharya has said, this is what Christ has said, this is what everyone who is a person regarded as the real person has said: that you are to be born again. How are you going to be born again? This is the Mother, which is sitting down there waiting for that occasion to rise and pierce these six chakras, the centers on top, to give you the Realization. The lowest chakra it does not pierce. This is the lowest chakra which has to look after the pelvic plexus, and if you know the pelvic plexus, it also looks after the sex.
So when the kundalini rises, she passes through your different centers which are subtle centers, and nourishes them, pierces through your fontanel bone area and connects you to the all-pervading Power, about which we do not know. Then from your hands, you feel vibrations, which are called as Chaitanya lahari. Adi Shankaracharya has called it “Saundarya lahari,” because you can judge the saundarya with this. Beautifully he has described it. But how much they tortured him – think of it, a person like Adi Shankaracharya – I mean, I don’t know what to say. The one who gave such secrets about the Mother, such great descriptions; he was tortured for what? What wrong did he do that he should have been tortured? Now we have to stand up for the truth, and must say that “Mother, we have to have the truth and truth and nothing else.”
(Public Program Day 2, Madras (India), December 7th, 1991)
Adi Shankara (early 8th century CE) was a philosopher and theologian from India who consolidated the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta. He is credited with unifying and establishing the main currents of thought in Hinduism.
His works in Sanskrit discuss the unity of the ātman and Nirguna Brahman "brahman without attributes". He wrote copious commentaries on the Vedic canon (Brahma Sutras, Principal Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita) in support of his thesis. His works elaborate on ideas found in the Upanishads. Shankara's publications criticized the ritually-oriented Mīmāṃsā school of Hinduism. He also explained the key difference between Hinduism and Buddhism, stating that Hinduism asserts "Atman (Soul, Self) exists" while Buddhism asserts that there is "no Soul, no Self".
Shankara traveled across the Indian subcontinent to propagate his philosophy through discourses and debates with other thinkers. He established the importance of monastic life as sanctioned in the Upanishads and Brahma Sutra, in a time when the Mīmāṃsā school established strict ritualism and ridiculed monasticism. He is reputed to have founded four mathas ("monasteries"), which helped in the historical development, revival and spread of Advaita Vedanta of which he is known as the greatest revivalist. Adi Shankara is believed to be the organizer of the Dashanami monastic order and the founder of the Shanmata tradition of worship. He is also known as Adi Shankaracharya, Shankara Bhagavatpada, sometimes spelled as Sankaracharya, (Ādi) Śaṅkarācārya, Śaṅkara Bhagavatpāda and Śaṅkara Bhagavatpādācārya. (more)