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Whether you meditate for five minutes or ten minutes, for those five or ten minutes one must meditate with complete oneness of attention. Humbly bow down and meditate. But before meditation, one must understand it very carefully. Before meditating give a bandhan to the place where you are going to sit for meditation, give yourself a bandhan, give your body a bandhan, seven times give your body a bandhan, give that place a bandhan, give bandhan to photograph. This is not be done in a mechanical way, like many people do, but with humility and shraddha (faith) one must give bandhan – as if one is doing a puja. After that, give your mana a bandhan. Now where is mana? You have never asked me, “Mother, where is the mana?” Mana is here, it starts from here. Meaning you must give a strong bandhan to Vishuddhi and Agya chakras. Mana has to be given a bandhan. While giving bandhan one must have this thought that, “O Lord, let us remain in your bandhan and nothing untoward may happen to us.” Bow down with extreme humility. At that time, just assume that you are in the witness state and detached from everything. Just make yourself detached from everything and meditate.

How to Meditate, Bombay 29 May 1976

So there are problems and problems, [INAUDIBLE] problems are physical, then we have problems, can say, problems of particular type of life you’re leading, or problems of the country where you’re living, all kinds of problems are there. Now all these problems also can be solved collectively. Now supposing you think there’s a problem here, some people told Me that there’s no proper democracy. All right, you all sit down and give bandhan, all of you, give bandhan together for this problem and it will be solved. Any kind of a basic problem which is corroding the life of people in any country can be solved very simply. For example, I was in Italy and they told Me that, “Mother, there’s so much of corruption in Italy, what do we do about it?” They’re Sahaja Yogis. I said, “All right, you give a bandhan.” They gave a bandhan, you know half of the people are now in jail, it has worked.

Same in India; in India there’s too much corruption. They told Me, “Mother now what to do about this India where the people are so corrupt.” I said again, “You give a bandhan.” They gave a bandhan for three days and half of the ministers are out of ministries. So this bandhan works very well and you have to use this bandhan for all kinds of big problems in the collective, any national problems or international problems, you can work it out on your bandhans and really you can solve the problems. It’s not so difficult, I must say it’s not so difficult. Giving bandhan is a very good thing, works out in such a tremendous way and so efficiently, very efficiently it works out. It is doing it’s very different because they will say, “All right, I want to do it, then on the normal post you must pay so much money to the god or do this penance and penance.” For you it is very simple, you just give a bandhan. But for problems which are collective problems you must give a collective bandhan, whichever are personal you can give personal bandhan.

I’ve already told that those who are going out of their houses must take a bandhan before leaving because you’re going out, God knows what sort of people there are, to begin with. After some time there’s no need, after some time you’ll be amazed that those who are bad people will suffer, will be controlled by your vibrations, absolutely, can be done. But some of the bad people are very bad people, like Namdeva has said that the fly is wilderness and her mind is not clear, her heart is not clear and a fly can ruin your life if you by mistake you eat the food which is contaminated by a fly, you might get a disease. But the worst is even when you by mistake eat the fly, by mistake if you eat the fly then also she makes you vomit, though she’s dead, but she makes you vomit, vomit, vomit. So it’s best that some bad people who cannot be cured, who cannot be [INAUDIBLE], they’re very vicious in their heart, they are spoilt, maybe some guru also might have spoilt them. And so don’t try your hands on such people.

Talk To Sahaja Yogis, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), March 14th, 1996

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