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If an artist finds his countrymen being unpatriotic or cowardly he can, through his art, inspire them and can serve the role of a brave soldier. Thus, he can serve the society through others by creating a deep impact on their minds. Such is the motivating force of an artist.

They are the loveliest flowers of creation, sweetest dreams of the creator, the dearest parts of the human society. Perhaps they do not know how they are loved, worshipped and followed by their spectators. (Extract from souvenir, from the site Sahaj A-Z. India, 1961.)

The quality we have at the Swadisthana is the creativeness ... which is very beautiful, which is very deep, which is absolutely spiritual. (Shri Adi Shakti Puja 2002)

As soon as we see something, we start thinking and a barrier is created. For example, there is a beautiful piece ... and looking at it, if there is a thought, you cannot enjoy it. But if there’s no thought, there’s pure rapport, pure connection between that beautiful art and yourself, then you just see it and enjoy that joy of the artist which he has poured into it, without thinking about it. (London 1984)

To say not to react means just to watch. And when you watch without thinking about it, then the truth, which is really poetry, comes out. That’s why a poet sees much more than an ordinary person can see. The inner beauty just starts penetrating your vision and you start seeing it. (Shri Ganesha Puja 1990)

You are Sahaj Yogis and you should understand which object is full of beauty and under- stand beauty. Only then will you be able to make your life beautiful. You should decorate your houses beautifully so that any man or woman who meets you will say what a nice man or woman he or she is. As beautifully as you will decorate yourself ... you should decorate your environment and houses. (New Year’s Puja 2001/2002 - translated from Hindi)

If it is beauty, it should be spirit because spirit is beauty and beauty’s spirit. So is it beauty? How do you make out that this art is beautiful or not? For example, according to all normal ideas of womanhood, I don’t think Mona Lisa is a beautiful woman.... What’s in her? Thousands of people would be assembled to see that painting.... Only vibrations will tell you that it emits vibrations. It appeals to your spirit without your knowledge. You’re not aware of it. It appeals to your spirit. That’s why universally that painting is appreciated. Hove England, 13 May 1982 Artists were supported by the kings and all the big empires that we had. These days there’s no question, no government is willing to support the artist. You know that Mozart was called by the queen herself to play before her. So the governments were not only looking after the collection of taxes, but they were looking after the artists, musicians, painters and people who did creative art. (Shri Kundalini Puja 1992)

Industrialists have to also look after the artists because otherwise who will look after them? How will they bring forth the balance between the art and the industry? And art is such a soothing thing for these hard-working people. They work the whole day. Then there is some sort of a music, art to console them, to give them peace, to relax them and give a balance. So I would say that all industries must take to some artistic ventures. (Shri Mahalakshmi Puja 1992, Brisbane)

Art has something to do with your heart and not with your brain. (Shri Hanuman Puja 1989)

In guiding the creation of an atom into this complex universe and in planning the evolution of a single cell into this wonderful human being, there is a hidden hand of a very great artist because through His creation He expresses Himself. He sings, He dances, He paints, He acts and, above all, He compels the spectators to reflect. Yes, He created this world because He wanted to reflect Himself, His truths, His beauty, His grace, His com- passion, His sweetness, His righteousness and all that can be termed as culture. (from “Heralding a New Age of Joy and Spiritual Fulfillment”)

Dirtiness doesn’t allow Sharda Devi to come near. She will stay away. It is very important to be neat and tidy and artistic.... All those who are blessed by Sharda Devi should under- stand this proverb that “art is hiding the art,” that whatever you do, there is no need to show off.... It is by the grace of Saraswati ... we get beautiful and peaceful thoughts and poetry within us.... but not the melancholic poetries of crying and pain, but such that awaken you – very great national songs were written.... Many people wrote many things by the grace of Sharda Devi. Gyaneshawara wrote Gyaneshwari.... He writes with the blessings of Sharda Devi that “whatever I am writ- ing is to please the Sharda Devi, but these words will not give You pain in any way. Like the petals slowly fall from the tree ... in the same way my words should fall on your hearts and make it fragrant.” What a wonderful writing, such beautiful poetry ... such a beautiful form of his thoughts like you is receiving amrit ... such enthusiastic poetry that it will ll you with enthusiasm, as if Devi Sharda Herself has come out of his poet- ries and entered within you. Shri Adi Shakti Puja, Jaipur 1994 (translated from Hindi)

She’s the one who gives you peace. She’s the one who gives you also illusions, called as bhranti. She gives you all the artistic talents. She protects you. (Navaratri Puja 2000)

All creations which were dedicated to God in the olden times are being today very much respected and people pay a lot of money for that. Maybe at that time the artists must have suffered, but they understood. Innocent artists understood very much that “If we have to express, we must truthfully do it not to please – not to please the people, not to please anyone, but to please God.” (Shri Ganesha Puja 1993)

Shri Krishna is the one who is an expert of drama. He creates drama. He acts in the drama. And He’s the spectator also. In these three forms, you should see yourself. You create a drama of yourself. “Ah ha, this one. Now, see now, how I am acting here.” Then you become the spectator also. Become the spectator of your own dramas, then you will realize what you are doing, how you are working out everything. Then the deception that we have all the time against ourselves will just run away. Because if an artist knows he’s the spectator, if the one who’s acting knows he’s the spectator, he can never deceive himself because he knows this is acting. (Shri Krishna Puja 1991)

Whether you are a musician or you are an artist, whatever it is you are, He’ll enjoy. He’s the enjoyer and He’ll enjoy. Whatever is simple, whatever is given with the heart, He’ll enjoy. Whatever is expressed with the heart, He’ll enjoy. He is not a conditioned person. (Shri Shivaratri 2002)

A person who is a genius is a person who has those sensitivities. The mind which is covered with thoughts, which is thickened, which is gross, can be thinned out at certain points and could be very sensitive at certain points. For example, some people could be very sensitive to music. Some could be to art. Some could be to human beings. Some- could be to other things which might make them something of rare people. But these subtler things, which create your personality, always indicate in your being that there is something of the beyond, which are throwing in some images within you. Such people are conscious of them, that there are some images which are throwing these subtle ideas within you. They are erupting some new commotion within you and, once you start seeing them, you’re compelled to put them down somewhere. That’s how the poets are created, musicians are created, great masters are created. (London 1980)

You should understand that you cannot make any statue without cutting and chop- ping.... An artist does it artistically, whereas an artless person does it bluntly. So this power depends on how much art is in you. (translated from Marathi, circa 1982)

Who is remembered? The musician Mozart – everyone remembers Mozart. Even on a chocolate, you’ll find a Mozart there. I don’t know, poor thing, did he ever eat any chocolate or not?... They have Michelangelo or they’ll have Leonardo da Vinci or they’ll have somebody like that. Nobody remembers who was the officer at that time, running with the file up and down. (Shri Kartikeya Puja 1986, Germany)

In the modern times when everything is moving very fast, it is very difficult for a single person to achieve anything without compromising with the trend of the world. Hence, it is absolutely essential that those artists who seek freedom and who believe that they have to play a vital role to further the cause of art, should give up their petty differences and jealousies and unite together. If such a group of artists decides to accept good in their personal, economic and social life and pledge not to deviate from the right path, then no power, however destructive, can lay hands on them. Unity of purpose can only grant them all the security needed for the creation of their art....

Artists have to raise the public eye to their standard of taste and not to stoop down to the cheap demand of the public and thus surrender their freedom. (from “Heralding a New Age of Joy and Spiritual Fulfillment”)

You have to have pure attention and that comes through your innocence.... We see in modern times whatever art is created, it just comes and goes. It has no eternal value... It comes and goes and no one knows where it has disappeared. Behind it is money-orientation and that money-orientation results into a kind of a creation which is not perfect. (Shri Ganesha Puja 1993)

When you cannot explain everything intellectually, then you take course to arts to express yourself and then you take to symbols to express what you cannot say verbally or cannot express rationally. This is what an artist does. Also a poet does, that he extends his imagination to such an extent that he creates a symbol.... After Self Realization, when you have become the spirit, your imagination touches the reality. Then the symbols which were perverted, which were misrepresented drop out and you touch the reality of the symbols. Diwali Puja 1993 Imagination is not reality and also the grossness is not. Like a poet might say that, “What a flower is there and its beautiful,” and that and that. And all sort of stories he may build up about a flower, and a person who is not imaginary might say, “I don’t know how much it will cost, how to put it down, what is the use of this, how it can be economic.” Poetry ... touches a subtler side of life. (London 1982)

Each poet sees the reality in a different way, describes in a different way. But if he is a truthful poet, he keeps the essence at least the same. (London 1984)

Aesthetics are born in a person who is a realized soul. He starts seeing aesthetics in every- thing. The beauty of talking improves. The movements of the hands improve and your style also improves. You become a beautiful person. Aesthetics come in. You can become suddenly a great poet.... You can also be a great painter if you are already a painter. You get new ideas about painting, new aesthetics. In music, you start understanding absolutely. You may not know what classical music is, but you will start understanding the subtle music. From the classical music, you will know which is the best for your atma. You see the atma starts judging everything on that level. (Delhi 1977)

After Realization you become extremely creative – creative in everything, especially in giving Realization to others and also creative in your life, art, music, poetry, drama, writ- ing, all kinds of things you do.... The creativity comes like an inspiration for others. They see you and they feel inspired. You are not the one who goes into the shadow and sits back, but openly you come out with no pride or no sort of aggression, but complete humility. And you give such beautiful feelings to others, such understanding about yourself and about the other through your collective consciousness. (Diwali Puja 2000)

I’m very creative, I must say. I’m all the time working out something, which comes out very well. And also, I don’t have that interest, as normally people have, that it should be praised by everyone.... For the sake of creation, you create. And you just enjoy that creation.... You have to create something. May be art, may be music, may be poetry, may be literature, may be writing – whatever it is, you have to create. And above all, you have to create Sahaja Yogis. That’s the main creation you have to achieve. Shri Krishna Puja 2000

All those who also want to gain in any walk of life, in any dimension, those who want to become great artists, great scientists, great anything, in Sahaja Yoga, it is important you must meditate. Otherwise, the kundalini will come down and you lose all your talents. That is a fact which has to be told. (Shri Krishna Puja 1988)

All the great poets – William Blake or anyone – whatever they have done is just because they have this universal love and they want to express it. Why don’t you do it? (Mahalakshmi Puja 1992, Brisbane)

Whatever you do, it should be done with the faith that you have in worshipping – zeal of a warrior and sensitivity of an artist. (from an undated letter, translated from Marathi)

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