
From Sahaja Yoga Encyclopedia

Purpose of the encyclopedia

Make it easy to learn about Sahaj topics using excerpts from Shri Mataji’s talks.

What will contain

90% Shri Mataji's words.



Videos of Shri Mataji

What about the other the 10%?

Words that can complete Shri Mataji’s words.

For example: for a post about Mozart, we can include biographical details about the composer.

What should not be included

Personal opinion about the subject.

What somebody said Shri Mataji said.



Anybody can be a member after he or she is approved by the current members.

Source of information

Nirmala Vidya

Any video or audio of Shri Mataji's.

Suggested format for a page

Video talks

Audio talks

Text excerpts

Videos (other than Shri Mataji's talks)

Other text (Wikipedia, etc.)

Example: Bandhan page

How to format a page

To create a page, search for a topic and on the result page, if the topic is not found, you will be offered the chance to create a page.

Internal link [ [ Main Page ] ] (no spaces)

External link with different label [ https : / / MediaWiki ] (no spaces)

Text formatting

Embed video


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