Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ (also known as Jesu, Yesu, and Issa) lived in the first century of the common era. He was a Palestinian spiritual teacher, and founder of the movement that became Christianity. As a young man he travelled widely in India and elsewhere, this being subsequently recorded in the Divine memory that was accessed by Levi Dowling when writing the Aquarian Gospel.
In India he is also known as Mahavishnu. According to the Bhavisya Purana, he met King Shalivahan who encouraged him to return to Palestine where he was killed (crucified). After his resurrection, he returned to India, specifically Kashmir, where his tomb is said to be.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has spoken of Jesus Christ many times:
Christ has shown by His life that, although He had to suffer so much, He was so patient and courageous. His life has given us an example of what we should be, how we should behave when we are facing problems because of the ignorance of people.... In these sufferings, Christ never cried or wept. He went through it in a very resolute manner. So what we have to learn from His life is that we should not be afraid.
Whatever might be happening to us, we should not be afraid. But times have changed and people do not torture anyone because of spirituality. It is not there. It is finished. Christ wiped out all that from human minds and people respect you for being spiritual. This is the message of Christ’s life and we all should be very happy that He has shown us this path.... Christ was the embodiment of forgiveness.... He is there to look after you in every trouble, in every kind of turmoil. He is going to help us in every way, all the time and the only way is to surrender, to forgive. That is the quality of Christ we have to imbibe. (Christmas Puja, 2003 & 1993)
The Lord’s Prayer is the mantra to open the Agnya chakra. Everything that is said in the Lord’s Prayer is required to please Christ, there to be awakened. (1982 April 29)
Can you imagine such a loving character as Christ? Now when we are celebrating and worshipping Him, we have to worship that character within us that is also loving people. We love each other. All over the world, all the Sahaja Yogis love each other. (Easter Puja, 2002 April 21)
We should never ridicule anybody if he is following Christ and we should worship Him with the same affection, with the same devotion, with the same surrendering as we worship Shri Ganesh. (Christmas Puja, 1993 December 25)
From Wikipedia
Jesus (c. 4 BC to AD 30–33), also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ, is the central figure of Christianity, whom the teachings of most Christian denominations hold to be the Son of God. Christians believe Jesus is the awaited Messiah (or Christ, the Anointed One) of the Old Testament. (more)