He tried to break all the concepts. The first concept He broke was that you have to be like an ascetic in looks. He broke this concept. He lived like the king. In His childhood, He used to go and play with the cows and there He would use a peacock’s feather to decorate Himself. And He would listen to the beautiful music of the River Yamuna and reproduce it. He was leela. He was the one who created all kinds of mirth.... Mirth is something where you feel tickled. So He tried to create mirth, never seriousness. But He was not frivolous. He was Yogeshwara. He was not frivolous, so this difference between frivolity and mirth is to be understood only through Him because He is also discretion. Mirth is joy-giving. Frivolity is destructive.... Life is for us to enjoy, nothing else. But because we are not free people, we cannot enjoy. There is no bondage of any evil thought which keeps you down. It is so subtle, but penetrating into everything that is gross. That is Shri Krishna’s beautiful flute which creates a picture of nature. The description, the whole thing becomes silent like a picture. (23 August 1986)
As you know Shri Krishna is the incarnation of Vishnu. And Vishnu is the one who is the preserver of this universe. When this whole world was created it was necessary to create a preserver also because this world would have been destroyed and completely if it is left alone without a preserver, then the way human beings are, they could have done anything to this world.
But so, Vishnu is the preserver. He’s the preserver and He’s the only one really incarnates. Of course, sometimes Brahmadeva also incarnated, but He only takes forms. In our evolutionary process, He has taken different forms. He came on this earth in different ways. (...)
At the time when Shri Krishna came, people were extremely serious type and had become very ritualistic. The reason was that Rama came and He talked of maryadas, and these maryadas made people extremely, extremely austere type.
In that austerity, people lost the sense of joy, sense of beauty, sense of variety. So the Shri Krishna’s incarnation came as we call it the Sampurna, it’s complete because He has sixteen petals. As the moon has sixteen kalas He too had sixteen petals so He’s Sampurna and He is what we call is the Purnima, is the full moon. With this completeness of His incarnation, of Vishnu’s incarnation from Vishnu to many other incarnations, He came as the complete incarnation; the total of Shri Vishnu was manifested. So whatever was lacking in Rama’s incarnation, He brought it forth. (...)
As you know that on the center – on the right heart you have twelve petals. With this, He showed so many things which people miss completely, because, unfortunately, Gita was written down. When Gita was written down, people started following the book word by word, not understanding. And in the Gita, His message was never for peace. He didn’t say you should be peaceful. It was something like Jihad. That He said that to Arjuna, "You have to fight. At this time you have to fight for dharma, for the truth and you have to fight." Then He said, "I can’t kill my uncles and I can’t kill my grandfather and I can’t kill my relations." He said, "Who, who are you killing, they’re already dead." Because they have no dharma. If you have no dharma then you are already dead. So what is there to kill or not to kill and that is what today we see in modern times, especially America which is the country of Vishuddhi. They have no dharma so they’re already dead under dope or whatever you may call it, under fear of all kinds of diseases. They are already dead and whom are you going to kill? And this message was in Kurukshetra He gave to Arjuna. (...)
Now, what you have to do is to go ahead and build up your spiritual self and spread it. This is the work of Shri Krishna also because He’s the one who communicates all over. As you know America is communicating everywhere – in a wrong way – but it is. It has got computers, it has got this, all communication things it has done because it is innately built in them to communicate. But because they don’t believe in Shri Krishna, neither in dharma, so the basis itself is wrong, and with this wrong basis, they have started spreading. With this very, very wrong basis, they have started spreading all kinds of filth and dirt and I don’t know what to call it, which is against human beings, which is against our ascent, which is against God. And they are doing all this. Why? Why are they doing which they are not supposed to do? (...)
In His lifetime, He was always a guest of Vidhura who was the son of a Dhasi, is the servant. Maidservant’s son was Vidhura, but he was a realized soul. So He used to go to his house, stay in his house, a very humble abode, Vidhura’s, and eat food there, very simple food. But He would not go to the palace of Duryodhana. (1994-08-28)
There have been lots of horrible things against the real religion of ascent, and Krishna has said, "Whenever there is the decline of religion," which is true today very much, "and whenever there are saints being tortured, I come on this earth to save the saints, and to destroy all the negative forces and the devils," as you call them, rakshasas. Pushtas they are called as, cruel people. So awakening of Krishna is very important, that within us He should arise and He should manifest His qualities within us. Then only the forces will work out.
Krishna, as a child, killed so many rakshasas. Then He played with gopis just to open their Kundalini; He had the rasa by which to make the energy of Shri Radha pass through them. He killed Kamsa, the main rakshasa who was ruling, who was actually His uncle. That means, your relations if they are devils and they are rakshasas, they have to be killed. Because he is your relation you should not try to save him and try to bestow his evil on Sahaja Yogis or on Sahaja Yoga. (...)
Shri Krishna’s style was that: what is the need to throw them away? Just kill them, finished. So He killed His own uncle, making His own aunt a widow. His own uncle He threw away, out of the world, sent him to hell directly, finished it off. But in Sahaja Yoga we give a chance for such people also who are very devilish types, who are very detrimental to our growth, who are against spirituality, who are against God, we give them a long rope to hang themselves. That’s the Mother side of this incarnation, but the Krishna side is a very fast-moving one.
Krishna did not live for very long. In that short time, how many rakshasas He killed! He fought on the side of Pandavas and He killed all the Kauravas. He didn’t kill, He said, but He did. So the style of Krishna on one side also is extremely sweet, extremely nice. He is like honey, that’s why He is called Madhava, Madhu. He is like honey on one side, only to the bees, only to the people who want to be blessed by Him. But to the evil people, I think He’s one of the most dangerous personalities. Of course, Shiva also does that, He has killed so many rakshasas. And also Devi has killed many rakshasas, but She went into wars, actual wars, and She went into discussions and arguments and things like that; but Shri Krishna, He never argued and He knew how to get rid of them, one by one, and He played some tricks on them. (...)
There was a woman who was a devil, was sent by Kamsa to kill Him. And she had poison, she had put poison in her breast and she came and she started nursing Him, and when He started sucking her (when he was a little boy of three, four years, or maybe two years) her breast, she started becoming big, big and she died. And then they saw that she was Putana, the one who was the devil, known.
And once He knew that there are two rakshasas who are camouflaged as two big trees. So His mother tied Him once with – she was angry because He was stealing her butter so she didn’t know what to tie so she tied Him with a pounding – that we have got for rice pounding, a kind of a wooden thing, big thing. It’s quite heavy. So she tied Him to that. It’s such a heavy thing, I mean, you need at least five-six people to lift it, but when she went away, Shri Krishna just walked with it with His small, little feet, you see, and went near those trees and hit them both on both the sides and both the trees fell down and the rakshasas died.
He was so knowledgeable and so clever because you know that He is the brain. He is the Virata. He did it without any compassion whatsoever. All His love, all His compassion, all everything, duty, was only meant for His gopis and gopes. And then, when He became the king, also His life is very mysterious for people to understand, but Sahaja yogis can understand it. But when He became the king, He had to have wives, so He married five wives. Imagine, more than Mohammed Sahib. These five, why five? Because they were five elements. So they were the causal of the five elements so He married five wives. (...)
He was the first who talked about spiritual life. Rama did not talk about spiritual life, though there was an undercurrent in India. People knew there is spiritual life because there were saints, there were lots of what you call the seers. All of them were talking about it. But no incarnation talked about spiritual life. We had Rama Avatara, then we had Parashurama. We had so many of these people. Never, never they talked of spiritual life, never. It was Shri Krishna only who first started talking about spiritual life, and only to Arjuna He talked because you see what was the condition. People were not prepared. So those people, Sahaja Yogis, who feel frustrated today because there are not many Sahaja Yogis or there is an obstruction, there are certain problems, must know that at the time of Shri Krishna He could dare speak about spirituality only to one person and that one was Arjuna. So, I mean, we are much better off, you see, aren’t we? (...)
Now imagine at the time of Shri Krishna, He talked to one person about the spirituality, only one person, Arjuna, which was heard by Sanjaya and which he related. It is so written by Vyasa, but He didn’t tell to everyone, didn’t show to anyone. He appeared in His Virata form on the battlefield but He never showed, but now you have got photographs to see, even if you can’t see with your eyes. Some can see some things also, I’ve seen that some are feeling it. So you are developing, you are growing into it. So this is into a new realm. It was Shri Krishna Who started talking about it. Of course, these nath pundits did believe in all that spirituality, but they did not talk about it, until the time, I think, of Gyaneshwara, perhaps would be. It was first the Gyaneshwara only who started talking about it. Before that, it was a secret kept. Of course, after Gyaneshwara we had other people talking about it like we had Mohammed Sahib, we had Nanaka, we had so many other people like Shirdi Sai Nath and some Sufi people and they started talking about spirituality.
So we have to be historically very much thankful to Krishna because He is the One who has broken the first knot and that’s why it’s called as Vishnu Granthi and the Vishnu Granthi to knowledge has been first opened by Shri Krishna and He wanted that gradually it should work, gradually. So His Gita is not so clear cut but is diplomatically written. (...)
So Shri Krishna’s life, if you see, is the beauty of it is that He said that “Life is a leela” – for Him, not for everyone, because He is so powerful. (...)
So according to Shri Krishna, we have to be very playful. Now we are all realized people, and you are very happy and you are all very playful and joyous and also now you are so capable, you have spirituality, you can give Realization to others. Even I was told that in the streets people ask for Realization, some people went to Eastern Blocs and they got five thousand people. Somebody went down to Argentina, got so many people. So it’s very good, all these, My hands are extending and the work is taking place. Everybody should take it up. (1990-08-19)
Krishna is a God, worshiped across many traditions of religion in a variety of different perspectives. Krishna is recognized as the complete and or as the Supreme God in his own right. Krishna is one of the most widely revered and popular of all Hindu deities.
Krishna is often described and portrayed as an infant eating butter, a young boy playing a flute as in the Bhagavata Purana, a young man along with Radha or as an elder giving direction and guidance as in the Bhagavad Gita. The stories of Krishna appear across a broad spectrum of Hindu philosophical and theological traditions. They portray him in various perspectives: a god-child, a prankster, a divine hero, and the Supreme Being. The principal scriptures discussing Krishna's story are the Mahabharata, the Harivamsa, the Bhagavata Purana, and the Vishnu Purana. (more)