Meta Modern Era

From Sahaja Yoga Encyclopedia
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Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is a loving, compelling and powerful book that introduces a tangible spiritual breakthrough for the 21st century — spontaneous Self Realization through Sahaja Yoga meditation — which opens a new dimension in human awareness.

Written by Nobel Peace Prize nominee and one of the greatest voices on spirituality, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the book offers stunningly deep insights on the crises of our modern times and the solutions to their root problems.

From the preface to Meta Modern Era

"Actually, I did not want to write a book of this kind. I am a person who is in complete joy of Divinity. There is the all-pervading joy of Divine love and I wanted everyone to enjoy it. Especially in the West, I have seen that there are many seekers of absolute Truth. There are many scientists who have written voluminous books about consciousness, about awareness. One can give a list of them. But all these books really weary you completely, because they do not emit any knowledge of the ultimate truth. I don't want to criticize them; after all whatever they are doing constitutes honest research. But why not also give a chance to this new discovery which is being made? Why not humble down to see what is beyond this mind which gives you all this artificial intelligence?

It is extremely difficult for me to write about the problems of Western life. It is like an enormous tree which has grown outside. How to be pushed down now to the roots and made to grow inside. It is only by going deep inside that we can find out what the problems of Western civilization are which have kept a Western mind away from the truth."


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