Chakras above Sahastrara
This is the trouble with you. You read some nonsensical books - Samadhi, Bindu, this, that, all that. Now please forget it, please forget all these things. Sama-dhi, Samadhi means, first is the Nirvichara Samadhi. First is Nirvichara Samadhi that you achieve and the Kundalini just comes out of your head. Sama-dhi means, the dhi means the buddhi. And when it has got enlightenment it means Samadhi. So first of all, the buddhi gets enlightened - I just now I told you about that only, the first enlightenment. Now, the Bindu and this and that are higher stages. Ardha Bindu, then Bindu and then Valaya. But you should not be futuristic, just now if you have read some book no use trying to show off that. That's not a good thing. Just try to see what you are. Why do you want to talk about things which - which do not concern at this stage? Just now, supposing you are going by bullock cart, why do you want to ask about the airplane? Just now you go by bullock cart, then you get into the train, then you get into the airplane. All right? One by one, not like this. Because you have read the book, it doesn't mean that you are supposed to know everything. All these books are written by some sort of crankish fellows who have read something here and there and have put it down. But you must experience. I'm your Mother, so I don't want to give you big ideas, this and that. I want you to do the way we have to move. As a mother would say, "Now, this is the way you are. Now you are in the first class, so pass your first exam. Then you'll go into the second class, then pass your exam". Everybody has to go that way to mature properly; there should be no immaturity in a personality. So all these books that you have read you better throw them away, there's no good. But if it is by some realized souls you can keep them and think that they are higher people and we have to be at their stage. Only by reading the book you don't become those personalities, do you?... (1983-02-04)