Total Ready - 1
Remaining for the first version - 108
A Dust Particle -- This video needs a short text summary (R)
Abbreviations -- each of these could have their own article describining the organization, group or project. There should then be links from each abbreviation to an article on that topic. These are, more accurately, acronyms. An abbreviation is a shortening of a single word, like bldg instead of building. An acronym takes the first letter of each word, like CBC. (R) Article Deleted. We can start another one.D
Abraham -- it would be nice to have know the significance of Abraham's test, what can we learn from. Does Shri Mataji comment on this? Is it correct to call Abraham "Jewish"? Is Israelite or something else a more exact term for that time period? (R)
Abraham Lincoln -- RD
Adi Shankaracharya -- some quotes from Shri Mataji need to be linked to Amruta. There is some repetition in Her words, so some quotes could be deleted or shortened. (R) D
Agnya -- link quotes to talks at Amruta (R)
Alban -- R
Anahat - need more text (D)
Art - D
Atma - more text needed (D)
Bandhan - D
Carl Jung - D
Friendship - D
Intuition - D
Love - D
Raja Janaka - D
Rama - D
Shirdhi Sainath (Sai Baba) - D
Shri Hanumana - D
Ten Incarnations of Shri Vishnu