
Total Ready (At least one vote) - 32
Abraham -- it would be nice to have know the significance of Abraham's test, what can we learn from. Does Shri Mataji comment on this? Is it correct to call Abraham "Jewish"? Is Israelite or something else a more exact term for that time period? (R)
Abraham Lincoln -- RD
Alban -- R
Anahat - Redirect to Heart Chakra
Angel -- R
Art - D
A Dust Particle -- D This video needs a short text summary (R)
Bandhan - D R (I added a brief definition at the top of the page, as well as editing Shri Mataji's words -- R)
Bhavasagar - RD
Bodhi -- R
Carl Jung - D
Friendship - D
Heart Chakra - D
Intuition - D
Life Eternal Trust - RD
Love - D
Nirmal Shakti Yuva Sangha -- R (this is just an entry that redirects the reader to the article "Yuva Shakti" where the full definition and description can be found)
On the shores of Bharat - D -- This is okay but I am wondering if Tagore's translation of his own words might be better. (R)
Raja Janaka - D
Rama - D
Shirdhi Sainath (Sai Baba) - D
Shri Ganesha - D
Shri Hanumana - D
Shri Krishna - D
Sahaja Yoga - RD
Soul - D
Spirit - D
Yuva Shakti - D
Zen - D
In progress
Adi Shankaracharya -- some quotes from Shri Mataji need to be linked to Amruta. There is some repetition in Her words, so some quotes could be deleted or shortened. (R) D
Agnya -- link quotes to talks at Amruta (R)
Amritanubhava -- more text needed, such as when it was written and what it is about or its importance to Sahaja Yogis (R)
Anand -- quote from Shri Mataji needed (R)
Atma - more text needed (D)
Atmasakshatkar – Does Shri Mataji use this word? And if so, can we find a quote? The spelling might be different in the transcriptions. (R)
Aum -- add a quote from Shri Mataji possibly explaining the three sounds that make the word. (R)
Avadhutta -- add quote from Shri Mataji if possible (R)
Canajoharie -- perhaps a photo and/or map can be added (R)
Ten Incarnations of Shri Vishnu